No worries… or… Hakuna Matata!

A well-known phrase to anyone who has ever traveled to Africa. And this is exactly how we want YOU to feel when booking that amazing holiday with us! Totally carefree. This, for example, means that the down payment for your upcoming trip should be in good hands, right?! With Tanzania Authentic it is, because we are a member of SGR. Let’s be honest: in the past, we’ve helped multiple customers who had lost their down payment to a travel company that went bankrupt. Imagine that: booking the safari of your dreams, only to find out later your chosen travel company has gone up in smoke, and so have your travel plans! When traveling with Tanzania Authentic, this cannot happen.

How does it work?

Tanzania Authentic is a member of SGR, a Dutch non-profit that was founded in 1983 to protect the travel funds of individual travelers. As a member, we pay a yearly contribution. To you, as our client, this means your travel sum is safe in case of financial problems or even bankruptcy. This allows you to book your holiday with us, without a worry in the world! To put the SGR warranty in numbers:

  • No less than two million reservations each year hold an SGR warranty
  • SGR assisted over 250,000 travelers
  • SGR paid out over 100 million euros

The SGR guarantees

  • To refund advance payments / guarantee the continuation of your travel plans, in the unlikely event Tanzania Specialist comes into financial problems or goes bankrupt.
  • To offer coverage to ALL clients of Tanzania Specialist, no matter which country they are from.

What is SGR?

SGR stands for Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden, which stands for the Organization for Travel Funds. It’s a non-profit organization based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which was founded in 1983 to protect travelers from travel agencies going bankrupt. SGR also co-founded EGFATT, the European Guarantee Fund Association for Travel and Tourism. SGR covers package holidays, affiliated travel arrangements, and travel or accommodation agreements, made by travelers with travel agencies who are participating in SGR. This is regardless of the place of residence of said traveler. SGR does not cover individual airline tickets. More information can be found on https://www.sgr.nl/english/

But that’s not all …

Besides being a member of SGR, Tanzania Authentic is also a member of the ANVR. This Dutch representative for the travel industry ensures our services uphold a certain quality standard. Because of this, you can even feel more comfortable when booking your dream holiday with us!

The ANVR guarantees

Through our membership of the ANVR you, as a customer of Tanzania Authentic, can be sure that:

  • We work with honest terms & conditions.
  • We make maximum effort to ensure your safety and prioritize your health by upholding Dutch safety standards as much as possible.
  • With us, you travel sustainably, with a reliable and well-educated staff and always with the utmost respect for the local people, nature, and culture.
  • We respect your privacy, by upholding a strict privacy and cookies policy, which means we cannot use your personal data without your consent.
  • Complaints are handled with care, with support of the ANVR and their comprehensive liability insurance.

About the ANVR

The ANVR (Dutch Association of Travel Agencies and Tour Operators) is a representative body for the travel industry. Through our membership in this organization, we uphold the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and customer care. We are audited periodically to help ensure that our focus remains in line with these standards.

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